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Metro 2033 Redux: Walkthrough - Chapter 4
This page includes walkthroughs for every mission in Chapter 4 of Metro 2033 Redux. My guide will provide you with videos for each mission along with a written guide to explain where every Diary and Moral Point you can find is. In order to get the Enlightened Ending you'll need to beat the game with 50+ Moral Points; this means being stealthy on most missions and avoiding killing humans.
My videos don't take the stealthy route through each mission since that would take much longer and the path we all use will be different while stealth. They will show you where all the Safe Keys and Safes are found and how to complete the mission. My written walkthrough on the other hand, will include everything. I provide you with multiple strategies on some missions (like the Library) and additional videos to show you where certain easter eggs are (like on the Front Line mission).
If you'd like to skip ahead to a certain chapter, follow the link below. My final note to you involves the ingame Compass. If you ever get lost take out your Compass and follow the arrow; this will help you get through the mission.
Metro 2033 Redux Walkthrough Chapter Links
Chapter 1 Walkthrough
Chapter 2 Walkthrough
Chapter 3 Walkthrough
Chapter 4 Walkthrough
Chapter 5 Walkthrough
Chapter 6 Walkthrough
Chapter 7 Walkthrough
Front Line Mission Walkthrough
Youtube Video Walkthrough: Front Line Mission Walkthrough
Rumble Video Walkthrough: Front Line Mission Walkthrough
This level has a few moral points for us to get, some of which are tied to Achievements. Like I have said in other parts of this Walkthrough, you'll need to be steathy and avoid killing if you want the Enlightened Ending. Each person you kill is -1 Moral Point and this level has at least 30 enemies; this means that if you kill everyone you'll pretty much be guaranteed to be back at 0 Moral Points.
With all of that said, let's conquer this mission! This level begins with Artyom falling from the rail car he is riding. Crouch and make your way to the rail car that you fell from - before doing anything listen to the speech. You'll earn a Moral Point when the commie is done talking (his final words are "Get out, form up").
If you can safely take any of the enemies out do so now - otherwise turn around and go to the back of the tunnel where this mission originally began. You'll find some guards up here - take them out and open the box on the wall for a Moral Point as well as Night Vision Goggles. There is a table next to this box which contains a bunch of ammo along with a spare AK if you need it.
Head back to the rail car and eliminate the enemies here. Keep in mind that if you open fire you will not only lose Moral Points for killing them but you will also lose points for being unable to eavesdrop on conversations in the next few areas.
Go down the stairs next to the rail car and listen to the conversation between the two enemies. They talk about a hidden tunnel below the Nazi line; the final line of their conversation is "If it comes from command, we'll go. Until then, shut up and have a smoke, hero." When the conversation is over you'll earn a Moral Point. The guards will also split up and you can now easily take them out.
After you clear out the guards, cross under the bridge and make your way to the other side. You'll find two guards over here arguing with a prisoner. Eliminate them and make your way up the stairs towards the bridge above. Pause for a bit on the stairs and listen to the conversation about suicide bombers, when it's finished you will get a Moral Point.
Finish going up the stairs and follow the guard that goes down the tunnel on the left. He'll pass the sick bay that has wounded soldiers in it. At the end of this tunnel you will find a Safe Key inside of a box on the wall, grab this and enter the room next to it. Turn off the generator at the top of the stairs and continue down below, go through a gate down here and you'll find the Safe that the key opens, you will also get a Moral Point.
Tip: If you need to take out a light from a distance or a target use a Pneumatic weapon like the Tikhar. This rifle doesn't make much noise when firing and it has a long range.
If you didn't get the Night Vision Goggles earlier you can pick up a pair next to this safe right now. Return to the machine gun nest on the bridge and take out the enemies here - loot all you can and then continue down the bridge towards the Nazi line. About half way down this bridge you will find a not-too-clear path that leads down to the ground below you. If you need help finding the start of this path check out my picture below.
Jump down to the duct below
Run across the duct and jump down to the catwalk
Alternatively, watch my video walkthrough for this mission if you need better guidance than pictures. Down here you will find a Moral Point, tons of loot along with a secret rat easter egg that most people don't know about. This rat will follow you around while you're down here and you can keep interacting with it for 1 MGR per interact.
In order to unlock this rat you need to shoot the red box that's found under the Communist side of the tunnels. If you run through the rubble down here you'll find an old camp which is now nothing more than bodies; the red box is found here along with a bunch of other goodies.
The Moral Point is found by looting the MGR from the Left 4 Dead hand easter egg. To be more specific, in an enclosed area where water is dripping down from above you will find a hand protruding from the rubble. If you are familiar with the Left 4 Dead box art, this hand is designed to look exactly the same. Once you pick up the MGR you'll get the Moral Point.
If you're having trouble finding this hand, it's kind of in the middle of the area - the best landmark I can give you is before you duck under the first pipe heading towards the Nazi line. Watch my video of this level if you want an exact location. After collecting all you need from down here continue to the area under the Nazi line and enter the tunnels.
Following the tunnel will lead you directly to a prison; here you'll find a Nazi shouting at some prisoners. Knock him out for a Moral Point as well as the Rescue Ranger Achievement. Next to where you knocked out the guard you will find a redish color box on the wall that you can open, this will give you another Moral Point.
While you're down here I recommend you switch off the power because that will make it much easier to sneak around above.
Note: If you go through the door near the power generator and come back you will find the prisoners you save equipped with guns & lights and standing around. Go through the door again and come back then search the table, you will find ammo they left behind for you.
Up top you'll find our hardest challenge yet, there will be many guards around for you to deal with but also vehicles. When you leave the stairwell look to the right and you will find a small path down into a drainage ditch of sorts. This drainage ditch will allow you to walk alongside the rails above without being seen.
At the far end of this tunnel you'll find a small Nazi base, there are about a dozen soldiers in here and many different routes you can take. You can walk across the pipes up top if you want or stick to the ground, it's your choice. Search the abandoned train at the bottom of this area, on one end you'll find a Safe Key and on the other end you will find the Safe that it opens.
When you are ready to continue return to the rail line and follow it down deeper into the tunnel. Take out the guards here and enter the room at the end of the tunnel, you will find a Diary inside of this room. Continue through the next tunnel and when you open the door you'll get captured by some Nazis. If you completed the level without killing anyone you will be given a Moral Point when the final cutscene begins.
Trolley Combat Mission Walkthrough
Youtube Video Walkthrough: Trolley Combat Mission Walkthrough
Rumble Video Walkthrough: Trolley Combat Mission Walkthrough
The next mission begins with a scene, during which you will be saved. When you regain control of Artyom check the surrounding area, including the room behind you. There will be lots of ammo for you to collect. Follow the people that saved you to an armored rail car when you are done and hop inside.
For the rest of this mission your goal is going to be shoot everyone that you can. When you encounter an enemy rail car shoot it until it explodes. It will take a little getting used to and this level is known to be unfairly difficult. The hardest part is towards the end after you encounter the Panzer tank. You will come to a stop during this part and you will be ambushed by enemies.
Really, the only thing you can do during this part is to aim where they pop their heads up and keep shooting across the area. Many people fail during this part, I have too. Once you're done with the combat segment you'll disembark the rail car. Follow Ulman through the next few rooms and make sure you grab the Safe Key and use it on the Safe right next to it.
There are a few stores of ammo and other supplies throughout this room too. Grab whatever you want and make sure you get the Diary too. Once you're done keep following the guy you're with to the next rail car, when you board it the mission will end.
Depot Mission Walkthrough
Youtube Video Walkthrough: Depot Mission Walkthrough
Rumble Video Walkthrough: Depot Mission Walkthrough
At the start of this mission you will have to crouch while you're riding the rail car otherwise you will get hit by the pipes. When the person you are with says, "Should be deserted but be ready for anything." Look down the tracks and shoot at the shadow you see. Doing this will delay the alarm for the mission and will get you the Raider Achievement.
You can use any gun you want for this part, use Military Grade Ammo if you want to decrease the chances of him surviving. While going through the human station you don't have to shoot anyone - just crouch and cruise through. If you are short on ammo grab some from the stash on the rail car, there is plenty here.
Eventually your car will pass through an abandoned train depot. Nosalis will attack you while you are in here, make sure you shoot the ones that jump onto your rail car. The guy you are with will be pulled off the rail car when you leave the train depot. After that happens you will increase your speed until eventually you crash.
Head down the tunnel and you will find an abandoned train in the middle, watch out for trip wires as you make your way down the right side of it. When you reach the other side turn around and jump onto the train - follow it to the opposite end and grab the Diary as well as the ammo and goodies.
Leave the train and pull out your Compass. This will help you locate our next objective which is hard to find without it. What you're looking for is a broken pipe in the floor that you can fall into. This is found on the opposite side of the train that you exit/enter from aka the same side that you crashed the rail car.
Crouch and crawl through the pipe to reach our next mission.
Defense Mission Walkthrough
Youtube Video Walkthrough: Defense Mission Walkthrough
Rumble Video Walkthrough: Defense Mission Walkthrough
At the start of this mission you will meet a group of survivors called the Children of the Underground. You will need to help them defend this camp against waves of Nosalis that attack. Before the attack begins you will need to listen to the commander talk, grab ammo from the cache nearby if you need any.
Once the commander is done talking you will get knocked out by some supernatural force. Nosalis will attack shortly after this, once you've taken out about two dozen of them you will get knocked out again by the same supernatural thing. When you wake up talk with the commander nearby who is wounded and accept the Cassette Tape that he gives to you. Accepting this tape will give you a Moral Point, it's also required for a future side quest/Achievement.
You can also find a Diary nearby ontop of the bunk beds in this area, grab that before you continue up the tunnel. In this next area you will find Stalker enemies, if you have a Shambler Shotgun you can make quick work of them all. Normally what I do is put my back into a corner and wait for them to come to me - then I blast them.
In the first area with the Stalkers you will find a Safe Key, this is found in the storage room that has already been mostly looted. Search the key racks on the wall to find it, it's in one of the cubbies. Go up the stairs nearby and you will find another storage room above, this is where the Safe is found that the key opens.
The area after the Safe will require a Gas Mask, there will be much more fire and too much smoke for you to breath without it. These tunnels can be a bit confusing because in order to progress you will have to run through some fire. My advice is to take out your Compass and follow the arrow on it when you get lost.
After running through the first fire patch you will find an abandoned train, work your way through it (watch out for the trip wire) until you come out the other side. You will find a well lit area with a radio playing, approach the body here for a Moral Point. Go up the stairs nearby and walk through the train again (this time on the second floor) to find a Diary. You'll have to fall down a hole/jump out of this train in the right spot to proceed - use your Compass if you need help.
Keep following the linear path until you hear a child crying. Go through the door and you will find a child named Sasha talking to his dead uncle. You'll need to help this kid reach his mom, he will ride your shoulders for this next part of the game which will limit your mobility a tad. In the room where you pick up Sasha you'll find another Diary.
Head through the tunnels after picking up Sasha, you will pass two 'camps'; the first will have a locker with ammo that Sasha calls out. The second camp will have a locked Safe which we can't open just yet. You'll need to collect the Safe Key first that is found on a body in the water down the hall from this camp. Go down the hill and make an immediate right into the water - search the body at the end of this tunnel that is up against the metal grate. You'll have to kneel down to get the key from it; after collecting the key return to the camp up the hill and open the Safe.
Go back in the direction that you got the Safe Key from and follow the linear tunnel until you reach a large circular room. You will have to run up many ramps in this room towards the sky above. When you reach the top of the ramp you'll hear voices, Sasha will jump off your shoulders and run to his mom. As a thank you she will offer you some MGR, decline them for a Moral Point.
Follow the NPCs through the tunnel and to an area with a bunch more NPCs. Grab the Diary in this location and then head to the blast doors nearby to complete the mission.
Outpost Mission Walkthrough
Youtube Video Walkthrough: Outpost Mission Walkthrough
Rumble Video Walkthrough: Outpost Mission Walkthrough
This mission begins with you in a tunnel that leads to the surface. On the surface you'll find about a dozen Nazi soldiers guarding this area. After exiting the tunnel go up the ladder to the right, This will lead to a wooden platform where you'll find the first Diary.
Tip: Unlike the previous missions, I don't believe you lose Moral Points by killing during this part. From what I have read and researched online there is no Moral gain nor loss by taking the non-lethal route on this mission.
Assuming that you picked up the Cassette Tape during the previous mission, you will now be able to turn it in and complete the objective Send the Radio Transmission to Polis. Once you make it to the surface you will want to keep an eye out for a crane (pictured below). This crane is found before the entrance into the building that we take to finish the level.
Run up the crane and use the ladder to reach the roof above. Up here you will find a transmitter (it looks like a tape player) that will allow you to broadcast the tape to the surrounding area. This will complete the bonus objective, unlock the DJ Artyom Achievement and also reward you with a Moral Point. If you're having trouble finding this transmitter I recommend you watch my Broadcast Radio Message To Polis Youtube Video. That will show you the exact location you need to visit.
Near the transmitter you'll find a Demon - if you'd like to get the Inquisitor Achievement you can kill this Demon very easily with a fire grenade. You will still need one more for the Achievement but this is a perfect opportunity to get 1/2! Grab the loot around where the Demon was and then drop down into the building below.
This building is huge with lots of rooms, nearby where the Demon was you will find a Diary - this is the most important item in the building. Clear the building and loot all you want (watch out for trip wires), when you are ready to proceed you'll want to exit this building on the side with the street. For this next part you will need to dodge Demons over head and Nazi soldiers on the streets.
You will find many holes across the street that you will need to hide in as Demons pass over head. My advice for this part is to let the Nazis and Demons fight it out a bit - take out the Nazis first. Once the Nazis are all taken care of you can go from hole to hole until you make it across the whole street. If you want to make things as safe as possible you can take out the Demons too, but it's not neccessary.
If you want to defeat the Demons too my advice is to bait them in to attack you and shoot them when they get close. During this part of the game the Demons will swoop in to attack you very often. You will need to hug the vehicles in this area and move quickly to avoid them. The exit to this level is found inside the tunnel on the far end of this area.
Black Station Walkthrough
Youtube Video Walkthrough: Black Station Mission Walkthrough
Rumble Video Walkthrough: Black Station Mission Walkthrough
This level will require a lot of stealth if you want to collect all of the Moral Points (and also not lose any). If you didn't get the Night Vision Goggles during the previous mission, you can find them next to where Ulman talks to you at the start of this one. Sneak ahead, avoid the trip wires and cans so that you can listen in to the guards. When they finish the conversation you'll get a Moral Point.
In the same area as the two guards we just listened to you'll find the first Diary of the mission. The next set of guards you find in this mission will also have a conversation you can listen to for a Moral Point. You may get confused on what direction to go for this part, if you do pull out your Compass and follow the arrow.
For the most part you can stealth around this entire level and follow the pipes/catwalks to avoid contact with all the guards. Most of the guards you find in the next few areas will award Moral Points for listening in on their conversations so make sure you stop by and listen.
You can earn four more Moral Points in total for listening to the conversations; basically each time you hear guards talking stop and listen until they finish. When they're done talking they also will break up and begin their patrol route - so you kinda have to wait anyway if you're sneaking through.
Midway through this mission (depending on the route you follow) you will find a room with tons of Safes, a few of which are locked. Go through the cobweb infested hallway next to these and look for a corpse with a Safe Key on it. Use that key to open the locked Safe on the floor in the previous room.
At the end of the mission, the most notable land mark is a log held up by a rope with cobwebs all over the place. This log will look like a trip wire trap that's been deployed, you'll have to jump over it to continue. Continue up the stairs after this trap to find the final Diary on this mission.
When you reach the end Ulman will be waiting for you, if you didn't kill anyone you'll earn a Moral Point. Also, if you didn't harm anyone at all during this mission you'll earn the Merciful Achievement. Hop onto the rail car with Ulman and you will get a scene involving a Dark One; run towards the Dark One for another Moral Point.
Continue to Walkthrough Chapter 5
Return to Walkthrough Chapter 3